Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cody has zero cavities and is now a $100 richer.

Today Cody and I went to the dentist for a check up and he had no cavities. Yeah! He has been much better with brushing his teeth since the last visit. He and his brother both had to have a bit of work done after the last check ups and so I promised them both if they did a much better job of taking care of their teeth and had no cavities I would pay them a $100.
I am so proud of Cody and he is so happy to get money to spend on a new video game. I am even prouder of Cody because he decided to share his money with his brother. Mason is trying to purchase a RPG game maker and was $20 short. He has been trying to figure out ways to come up with the money and today after school Cody said he would just give it to him so he could get the game. Moments like this are when I realize I am raising caring, compassionate, thoughtful children. Cody did not have to share but he wanted to because he knew it would make Mason so happy. It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy.

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